Sunday 16 December 2007

Muita criatividade nos Tenis

Parece que foram feitos sobre encomenda porem os tenis digamos customizados tem dado o que falar. Um valor agregado que surgiu devido ao momento trendy e

Personal Shopping

Já existe no Brasil serviços de personal stylist porem o que grandes marcas europeias tem feito é oferecer esse serviço em suas lojas por preços convicentes. Espaços dedicados, confortaveis, discretos e com conceito.

Tb em grandes marcas ja existem áreas dedicadas as baixinhas e as altinhas..... Até que enfim :)

Camden Market - London

You have to spend at least a afternoon at the Camden Market. It happens on Sundays and there is so much nice things to see ,to get inspired, to hear, to imagine. Take you camera and have fun.

Here are some nice pictures that I took.

Favela Chic - London

If you want to have fun, find style and inspiration you should go the the bar Favela Chic inspired in Rio de Janeiors Favelas.

Very trendy place!!!


Most of the big retails shop in Europe have designed for child with ( in my opinion) no creativity at all. Doesn´t look garments for child at all. Where are the colors, the happiness? It´s seems like we want are kids to grow up fast and became adults...
I really dont want that to happen with my son. Do you?
For the ones that never heard about Custo Barcelona below you will find there website and some info, but what I really wanted to show is how fashion brands have been adding in other field customizing brands, in this case Perrier. Custo was invited to customize some bottles. I found it fantastic !!!

The Brand Custo is Spanish and was created in the early ´80´s by Dalmau brothers. Custo and David after a around world trip discovered not only new landscapes but also the most diverse manifestations of art, culture and philosophy. The most surprising things they encountered was the Cafifornia lifestyle and the colorful and innovative fashion they found there and particulary a style of t-shirt that did not exist is Spain at that time. They use techniques of screen printing and special attention to the graphic design with color combinations and printed patters, innovation, boldness and sophistication
Custo Barcelona exists as a style in itself -

Sunday 9 December 2007

Imperial War Museum

Ontem dia 8 estive no Imperial War Museum. Para minha surpresa o museu for completamente diferente do que eu esperava, Focava muito mais nas consequencias sociais que as guerras provacaram nas pessoas. Tive tb uma exposicao excelente sobre cartazes e comunicaçao no periodo das guerras mundiais.
Para quem estuda Moda é um must go aqui em Londres!!!

beijos Adriana

Friday 7 December 2007

Oxford Circus - London

I´m still not sure if i should write in portugues or english since msot of my students are from Brasil but.... i would really like to pratice my english spelling and also give oportunity to people from other places to read what i write so....... here it goes...

Last tuesday I had a great day. I spend almost 5 hours walking in Oxford Circus road in London town. For the onew that don´t know is a street where you can find all fashion brands. Was a nice experience and I went in almost all main store to see architecture, designs, styles and prices and as always we see nice things and "shit" things. Most of the popular stores ( H&M, Zara, Mango) you can see the same kind of garments and acessories prices are connected with there costumers and really really beautiful windows. It´s amazing how brands are investing in windows. Of course this investment in windows is and will arrive in Brazil soon.
Another nice observation is that here in London I could see some store specilized in men´s beauty. I´ts what they call body maintanence for men ( see pic in attach)
take care

Tenho tantas coisas para contar porem hoje acordei e li uma mensagem que meu pai mandou por email que queria compartilhar com vcs.

Se Deus criou as pessoas para amarmos e as coisas para usarmos porque amamos as coisas e usamos as pessoas?

Gente, fui no museu Victoria and Albert hoje aqui em Londres...

Nossa a exposiçao está o máximo.. fiquei simplemente 4 horas la dentro sugando tudo que podia... aprendi muito lá...

Quem quiser dicas acesse o link ai vc encontra maiores informacoes sobre a exposicao que fica até começo de janeiro. .quem tiver por londres ja sabem.. Faz parte do must GO!!!

Deixa eu ir me concentrar e escrever logo meu livro...


Let´s give it a try.....I´ve been thinking on having a blog where I could write things about what I see in the street and what I hear from people from the field.... The idea of this blog is to became a great place to find new information about the fashion business . I will post pictures, hint, places to go and hope you have fun!!!!!!I promise that i try to write almost everyday .......